GRACE Patients

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    • For women who do not have any current breast concerns.

    • The goal is to check for signs of cancer.

    • You do not need a referral from your doctor to schedule a screening mammogram. Click here to schedule.

    • Appointment time is 20-30 minutes.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • We will take at least two pictures of each breast.

    • Results are typically available within a few business days and will be available to you and your doctor.

    • If everything looks healthy, you will receive a letter in the mail with your results.

    • If the radiologist needs more pictures to complete the exam, we will contact you to set up additional imaging.

    Click here for more information about your first screening mammogram appointment.

    • For women who have current breast concerns or need additional follow-up for breast imaging findings.

    • The goal is to get more information about what is causing a symptom or imaging finding and create a plan for next steps.

    • An order from your primary care clinician is needed for this exam. We can help you obtain that order.

    • Appointment times vary, but are typically around 60 minutes.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • We will take specialized pictures depending on the concern. Often, an ultrasound will also be performed at the same time to get more information.

    • You will be given the results of your exam before you leave GRACE, and have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a physician.

    • Your primary healthcare clinician will receive a copy of the radiologist’s report and recommendations following the exam.

    • For women who have current breast concerns or need additional follow-up for breast imaging findings.

    • The goal is to get more information about what is causing a symptom or imaging finding and create a plan for the next steps.

    • Often this will be performed together with a diagnostic mammogram.

    • An order from your primary care clinician is needed for this exam. We can help you obtain that order.

    • Appointment times vary, but are typically around 60 minutes.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • The technologist will move the ultrasound wand over the area of concern in the breast tissue.

    • You will be given the results of your exam before you leave GRACE, and have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a physician.

    • Your primary healthcare clinician will receive a copy of the radiologist’s report and recommendations following the exam.

    • For women who desire additional breast cancer screening with an average lifetime risk and dense breast tissue.

    • Screening ultrasound does not replace the yearly screening mammogram.

    • This is a good alternative for women who cannot have a screening MRI or contrast-enhanced mammography.

    • The goal is to check for signs of cancer that may be hidden on a screening mammogram by dense breast tissue.

    • Appointment time is 60 minutes.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • The technologist will move the ultrasound wand over all of the breast tissue as well as both armpits to create pictures.

    • Results are typically available within a few business days to you and your primary healthcare clinician.

    • If everything looks healthy, you will receive a letter in the mail with your results.

    • If the radiologist needs more pictures to complete the exam, we will contact you to set up additional imaging.

    Click here to learn more about breast density.

    • For women who desire additional breast cancer screening and can not have a breast MRI.

    • The goal is to check for signs of cancer that may be hidden on a screening mammogram by dense breast tissue or to further evaluate areas of concern on other exams.

    • An order from your primary care clinician is needed. We can help you obtain the order.

    • Appointment time is 60 minutes.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • An IV will be placed and liquid contrast injected to see blood flow to breast tissues.

    • If you are diabetic, taking Metformin, have a history of kidney problems, or are over 60 years old, we will check your kidney function with a blood test before giving contrast.

    • You will be given the results of your exam before you leave GRACE, and have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a physician.

    • Your primary healthcare clinician will receive a copy of the radiologist’s report and recommendations following the exam.

    Click here for more information about breast density and contrast enhanced mammography.

    • For women who desire additional breast cancer screening, who require additional information in evaluation of a breast concern, or who need more information about a known breast cancer. MRI can also evaluate breast implants.

    • This is the preferred supplemental screening test for women at increased risk of breast cancer or for women with an average lifetime risk and dense breast tissue.

    • Screening breast MRI does not replace the yearly screening mammogram.

    • No radiation is used for the exam

    • The goal is to check for signs of cancer related to blood flow that may be hidden on a mammogram or ultrasound using strong magnets to make the images.

    • During the exam your will lie on your stomach on a specialized table with your hands placed above your head. You will be centered in a large ring of magnets. During the exam you will receive liquid contrast dye through an IV.

    • Appointment time varies by type of MRI between 20-60 minutes.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up and remove any metal accessories.

    • Before the exam you will be checked for implantable devices or other metal in the body. Your kidney function will also be checked.

    • Results are typically available within a few business days to you and your primary healthcare clinician.

    • If everything looks healthy, you will receive a letter in the mail with your results.

    • If the radiologist needs more pictures to complete the exam, we will contact you to set up additional imaging.

    • An order is needed for this exam from your primary care clinician as well as preauthorization from your insurance. We can help you with this process.

    Click here to learn more about breast MRI.

    • When a definitive answer can not be reached by imaging alone, taking a small sample of the area of concern in the office may be necessary to obtain a conclusive diagnosis.

    • The goal is to get more information about an area of concern on ultrasound imaging to create a plan for next steps.

    • An order from your primary care clinician is needed for this exam. We can help you obtain that order.

    • While the procedure itself is short, appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes to allow for a personalized experience.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • You will lie on your back or side while the doctor moves the ultrasound wand over the area of concern in the breast tissue.

    • Using real-time ultrasound guidance, the area of concern is found and a small amount of tissue is removed by the doctor for testing.

    • You will be given the results of your biopsy testing directly by the GRACE team within 1-3 business days and will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a physician.

    • Your primary healthcare clinician will receive a copy of the radiologist’s report and recommendations following the exam.

    Click here for more information on what to expect before, during and after an ultrasound guided biopsy.

    • When a definitive answer can not be reached by imaging alone, taking a small sample of the area of concern in the office may be necessary to obtain a conclusive diagnosis.

    • The goal is to get more information about an area of concern on a mammogram image to create a plan for next steps.

    • An order from your primary care clinician is needed for this exam. We can help you obtain that order.

    • While the procedure itself is short, appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes to allow for a personalized experience.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up.

    • You will sit in a special chair or lie on your side depending on the location of the area of concern. The breast will be placed into compression and mammogram images taken to localize the area of concern in the breast tissue.

    • The doctor uses the imaging to localize a small amount of tissue in the area of concern which is removed for testing.

    • You will be given the results of your biopsy testing directly by the GRACE team within 1-3 business days and will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a physician.

    • Your primary healthcare clinician will receive a copy of the radiologist’s report and recommendations following the exam.

    Click here for more information on what to expect before, during and after mammogram guided or stereotactic biopsy.

    • When a definitive answer can not be reached by imaging alone, taking a small sample of the area of concern in the office may be necessary to obtain a conclusive diagnosis.

    • The goal is to get more information about an area of concern on MRI to create a plan for next steps.

    • An order from your primary care clinician is needed for this exam. We can help you obtain that order.

    • While the procedure itself is short, appointments are scheduled for 60-90 minutes to allow for a personalized experience.

    • You will need to undress from the waist up and remove any metal accessories.

    • An IV will be placed and used to give liquid contrast dye.

    • You will lie on your stomach on a specialized table with your arms placed above your had. The breast tissue will be compressed and images obtained by a large magnet in the area of concern.

    • The doctor will identify the area of concern and remove a small amount of tissue for testing.

    • You will be given the results of your biopsy testing within 1-3 business days and will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a physician.

    • Your primary healthcare clinician will receive a copy of the radiologist’s report and recommendations following the exam.

    Click here for more information on what to expect before, during and after an MRI guided biopsy.

    • The American College of Radiology recommends that all women are assessed for their lifetime risk of breast cancer by age 25.

    • Imaging recommendations and plans are individualized based on breast cancer risk.

    • GRACE will provide a risk assessment at every imaging appointment.

    • The goal of risk assessment is to look at all of the breast cancer risk factors to obtain an overall picture. Individuals at increased lifetime risk of breast cancer are advised to start screening for breast cancer earlier and with supplemental exams.

    • The risk assessment will also look for ‘red flags’ for inherited cancers to determine if genetic testing may be helpful.

    • GRACE provides a comprehensive high risk program including risk assessment, genetic testing, and genetic counseling services.

    Click here for more information about breast cancer risk and genetic testing

Avoid fear-based decisions.

Information is power. Get answers to your questions and move forward confidently.


We are currently scheduling appointments for the end of summer 2024. Use our scheduling portal, Jane, or give us a call at (515) 505-3224 or fill out the form below.